Monday, November 12, 2007


Hello, my name is Jenn, and I have been addicted to reading for 30 years, 2 months, and 19 days. I read books, magazines, newspapers, and the back of toiletry bottles when I'm stuck in a bathroom. I read while eating, while watching TV, while on the computer, while driving (only at the red lights people!), while working ... you get the picture. It's a problem, I fully admit, but I have no intention of correcting it. I've gone so far as to seek out interesting and witty reading items, which is how I was introduced to the world of blogging. Lately I've taken to reading blogs by random people, and am greatly entertained. So greatly, in fact, that I have bookmarked several of them and check them pretty much daily to see what's new. And of course, it's a (seemingly) short jump from reading to writing. It doesn't seem so hard, I tell myself, to type out some anecdotal evidence of my daily life, post a few times a week. Then my friend Julie starts blogging more often, and I take this as a sign that I should once again attempt my own blog.

You may know that I had a blog, still do, actually, on my family's website. Problem is, I am getting spammed beyond belief and I just don't want to deal with that. I'd like to have a blog where people can comment (I kid myself that people will actually be reading this) and I'll be able to read through them without having to delete 100s of comments on sex, sexual techniques, sex-enabling drugs, sex-enhancing surgical procedures, sex-finding websites, and Ghandi's secrets to sexual bliss (well, okay, not the last one ... it might be worth the spam for that one). I'm fine with my sex life, thankyouverymuch.

So today I decided to grab the bull by the horns, the tiger by the tail, even carpe diem! Hence, my new blog. I am not deluded enough to think this will be a daily thing. In all honesty, if I get my kids out and about like a good little SAHM would, I won't have much time for this. But I like to write, so I'm giving it a shot. Besides, one might consider watching videos to be, in truth, good for one's children. How else are my kids going to learn Spanish (thank you Dora), interesting animal facts (thank you Diego), different music styles (thank you Backyardigans), names and uses of tools (thank you Handy Manny and Bob the Builder), how to be a good friend (thank you Clifford and Strawberry Shortcake), how to be a neurotic, overbearing parent, do everything wrong, and still save the day (thank you Finding Nemo), how to be a jealous, scheming, two-faced leader and still end up a hero (thank you Toy Story), how fighting can kill your enemies, impress your future wife, and make you king of everywhere the light touches (thank you Lion King), and how to appropriately use the term "bite me" (thank you babysitter who let my sponge-like children watch Freaky Friday).

After all, I can't be expected to cover all that. Right?


Julie said...

You can DEFINATELY still write. I'm already addicted....

ColoradoIceBear said...

What? No love for your big brother who turned you on to the whole reading gig and helped form the backbone of your book collection... ouch...

Anonymous said...

Nice - and I think all that reading has paid off - you sure do know how to write....


Sensitiva McFeelingsly said...

Woo hoo! Congrats on taking the plunge and starting your very own blog-tihng. I, too just recently started up a blog, so I can completely get where you're coming from... the jump from reading to writing certainly is a small one. :)

Stop on by my blog sometime if you'd like, I'll definitely put you on the ole reading list. :)

Happy Thanksgiving!